Thank you for your interest in presenting at TNOYS’ 38th Annual Conference on Services to Youth and Families, taking place June 8 – 11. This year’s conference will once again be held virtually.
Like in years past, the 38th Annual Conference will welcome an integrated audience of youth services professionals, youth/young adults (ages 15-24) and their family members, and other stakeholders. Attendees work in or have involvement with a variety of systems, including child welfare, education, juvenile justice, housing and homelessness services, workforce, health and behavioral health, and victim and survivor services.
Please note that the following criteria will guide our decisions about which workshops are selected:
- Priority will be given to workshops that include youth or young adults as co-presenters
- Priority will be given to workshops that align with the following TNOYS priority areas:
- Equity and Inclusion
- Youth Voice and Youth-Adult Partnership
- Research and Evidence-Based Practices
- Cross-Systems Collaboration
- Public Policy and Government
- Personal and Professional Development
- Youth Leadership Development
TNOYS will review presenter applications on a rolling basis until February 24, 2021. We will not consider incomplete applications. We plan to make all selections and notify presenters by mid-to-late February 2021. Presenters selected will be entitled to conference registration discounts, and registration will be free for all youth presenters.