TNOYS advances our mission through a three-pronged approach to systems-change that prevents systems-involvement, effects systems-change, and supports a healthy transition out of systems and into adulthood for youth and young adults.
Policy: We advocate for public policies and priorities to strengthen youth, young adults, and families.
Practice: Our training and program development services ensure that those in the field and on the front lines are fully equipped to provide the highest quality services to meet the complex needs of the youth, young adults, and families they serve.
Partnership: We work in partnership with young people to demonstrate what youth are capable of when they have opportunities to use their voices and when people invest in them.

Creating Change Across Systems
Research shows that when young people are involved in one system they tend to be involved in many, which is why TNOYS is committed to breaking down silos between systems so we can more effectively serve young people. TNOYS works across youth-serving systems to foster collaboration, build organizational capacity, and effect systems-change:
- Child Welfare
- Housing & Homelessness Services
- Justice
- Victim/ Survivor Services
- Health & Behavioral Health
- Education
- Higher Education/ Workforce