2021 TEHCY Program Summit Call for Proposals

Please note: the call for proposals is now closed. If you submitted a proposal and have questions, please email us at summit@tehcy.email.

The following criteria guided decisions about which workshop proposals will be selected. Preference was given to:

  • Workshops that are interactive, experiential, and engaging;
  • Workshops that offer opportunities for peer-based learning, problem-solving, and networking;
  • Workshops that will equip attendees with concrete tools they can take back to their work and implement;
  • Workshops that are data-driven, with innovative, evidence-based program models that can be replicated;
  • Workshops that share best practices and/or utilize theory, such as positive youth development, two-generation approaches, youth-adult partnerships, and centering youth voice;
  • Workshops that are from and appeal to a variety of districts and charter schools and educational service centers (ESCs) including small, mid-sized, large, urban, and/or rural districts and charter schools and ESCs;
  • And to presenters who have substantial relevant professional experience and/or relevant personal lived experience.

Additionally, we especially welcomed proposals that address the following topics:

  •  McKinney-Vento fundamentals, including identification, eligibility, enrollment, and transportation;
  • Connecting to youth and family services, housing services, and other community providers and resources;
  • Collaborating with community partners, state agencies, and other programs;
  • School discipline, understanding the impact of trauma on student behavior, and implementing trauma-informed interventions;
  • Supporting student’s mental health;
  • Promoting academic success;
  • Supporting students and families experiencing homelessness in small and rural communities;
  • Advancing equity; including specific support for Black and brown students, LGBTQ+ students, and students with cross-systems involvement. 

If you submitted a proposal and have questions, please email us at summit@tehcy.email.