Our PEI Postcard Campaign is a great tool for showing our state legislators that their constituents value investing in programs that prevent young people from entering the more expensive foster care and juvenile justice systems. We highly encourage you to order a supply of postcards and distribute them to your staff, clients, and other community members. Some agencies are planning to ask program clients to sign and complete cards after receiving services, and we think that is an excellent idea. Our goal is to recruit as many people to sign cards as possible and bombard legislators with our message between now and April.
To order cards, please return this order form to TNOYS by 5 pm Monday, March 30th. We will have them printed and mail them to you the following week. Then, after you collect completed cards, mail them to legislators directly, or mail them in bulk to TNOYS and we’ll deliver them to the appropriate legislative offices at the Capitol at no charge.
2015 PEI Postcards: