There is nothing partisan or controversial about supporting outreach, crisis services and housing for America’s homeless youth. In fact, providing these supports and services saves lives, prevents further trauma, and reconnects families. This is what we need you to say to Senator Cornyn when you call him. Tell him to support S. 262, the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (RHYTPA).
Call Senator Cornyn at 202-224-2934 and ask to speak to the staff person handling homeless youth issues. Then, tell him why the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act is so important to your community in Texas. Then ask him to cosponsor S.262 because housing for homeless youth saves lives and provides healing and hope to youth and their families.
To learn more about this legislation, visit the NN4Y action center here: http://www.nn4youth.org/ public-policy/ ActionCenterRHYA2015Reauthoriz ation%20
After you make this call and have a conversation, email darla.bardine@nn4youth. org and tell Darla what you learned.