TNOYS has been in close communication with our membership and service providers across Texas, and we are now working with state agencies and partners on securing needed supplies for organizations. Through one of our initiatives, we established a partnership with the Office of the Governor and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) to help our members access hand sanitizer.
TABC recently loosened regulations to allow distilleries to produce hand sanitizer, and distilleries across Texas have started to alter production in response. To help our community access sanitizer directly from these businesses, TNOYS staff have been reaching out to Texas distilleries that have either started producing hand sanitizer or plan to produce it soon. We have compiled an initial list of distilleries for service providers to contact, and we plan to update this Google Sheet as more information is available.
Contacting Distilleries
Below, please find a list of Texas distilleries that you may contact to either order hand sanitizer immediately, or be put on a waitlist. We have included ordering details, notes from the distilleries, and information on how to contact them. Please review these notes before you get in touch, as many distilleries passed along specific instructions so that they may get our members supplies as quickly as possible.
We are continuing to gather more information from distilleries as it is available. Please reference this Google Sheet regularly for updates and new information on additional distilleries.
Please reference the list below for information on distilleries by region:
North Texas
Balcones Distilling
225 S. 11th St., Waco Texas
Phone: (254) 755-6003
Contact Email: thomasmote@balconesdistilling.com
Balcones Distilling is currently taking a list of requests for hand sanitizer. To get on the list directly, please call or email them using the information above.
Blackland Distillery
2616 Weisenberger St, Fort Worth Texas
Phone: (682) 268-5333
Contact Email: markus@blacklanddistilling.com
At the moment, Blackland Distillery is serving Fort Worth only. Organizations serving Fort Worth can call Markus using the information above to arrange an order.
Central Texas
Garrison Brothers Distillery
1827 Hye-Albert Rd, Hye Texas
Phone: (830) 392-0246
Contact Email: dan@garrisonbros.com
Garrison Brothers has sanitizer available in 2-5 gallon buckets. They have also purchased 4 oz. bottles for sanitizer, but these supplies have not yet arrived. To arrange pickup, please contact Dan using the information above and let him know the volume of sanitizer you need.
Treaty Oak Distillery
16604 Fitzhugh Road, Driftwood Texas
Phone: (512) 599-0335
Contact Email: joshua@treatyoakdistilling.com
Treaty Oak Distillery is actively working to produce large quantities of sanitizer and get it to those who need it. Please complete this Google doc to request an order, and Treaty Oak will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Austin, Texas
Tito’s specifies that first responders, healthcare workers, and nonprofit workers can complete this form to submit a request for hand sanitizer. Please note that due to a high volume of inquiries they are not able to respond to each request individually at this time. Further updates from Tito’s Handmade Vodka are available here.
South Texas
Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling
4834 Whirlwind Drive Suite 102, San Antonio Texas
Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling is giving away hand sanitizer and will not accept payment. It is for pickup only at their San Antonio facility; unfortunately delivery is not available. Due to the large volume of requests, Ranger Creek has requested no phone calls or emails. You may check the status of supplies on their Facebook page.
- At the moment, Small individual bottles are available on a first comes, first serve basis for curbside pickup. One bottle is available per vehicle. Check Ranger Creek’s Facebook page for pickup hours and availability updates.
Bulk order pick-ups are by appointment only. To make a bulk order request, please fill out this form with more information.
Maverick Whiskey
115 Broadway St, San Antonio Texas
Phone: (210) 447-7010
Contact Email: rikk@maverickwhiskey.com
Maverick Whiskey is currently creating a list for hand sanitizer pick-ups on a first come, first serve basis. They have 5 gallon buckets available, and are asking that organizations bring the bucket back when empty so they can serve more organizations. Please contact then via email at rikk@maverickwhiskey.com to be put on the pick-up list.
Rebecca Creek Distillery
26605 Bulverde Rd., Suite B, San Antonio Texas
Phone: (830) 714-4581
Contact Email: andy@rebeccacreekdistillery.com
Rebecca Creek is selling 55 gallon drums for $50/gallon ($2,750/drum). Please place order beforehand via phone or email, and then pick it up on-site. They do not offer discounts for essential services. As of this writing, there is no waitlist: sanitizer will be available within one week of placing an order.
Update (04/03/20): We received an email from Susan Acosta (susan@rebeccacreekdistillery.com) with the following attachments. Interested organizations should let her know so she can add them to the list.
TNOYS continues to work with members, service providers, and agencies to get needed resources and supplies out to the community. If you have questions on the efforts, please contact aproffit@tnoys.org.