We have a packed calendar of events in the next few months. Check out all the details below for these free events:
Friday, September 18, 2015
A Primer in Trauma-Informed Care to Prevent Restraint and Seclusion
Round Rock, Texas
Join us for a special training opportunity especially for shelters that serve adults or youth. This session will include a review of best practices and the chance to brainstorm with peers about challenges you may face, whether or not you currently use restraint and seclusion practices. Please visit www.tnoys.org/srr-leadership-group/ for more information. This event is sponsored by the Hogg Foundation’s Seclusion and Restraint Reduction Leadership Group.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Foster Care Redesign Provider Meeting
Austin, Texas
LifeWorks East – 835 N. Pleasant Valley Rd., Austin, TX 78702 – Multipurpose Room
TNOYS and LifeWorks are partnering to host a provider meeting focused on Foster Care Redesign. Wayne Carson, CEO of ACH Child and Family Services (the Foster Care Redesign Single Source Continuum Contractors for Region 3B) and Kaysie Reinhardt, Director of Foster Care Redesign at the Department of Family and Protective Services will both present on the initiative and be prepared to answer your questions. For more information, please email events@TNOYS.org.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
TNOYS Membership Meeting
Austin, Texas
TNOYS will begin hosting a second annual membership meeting in 2016. Please join us in February to network with other members and welcome our guest speaker, Commissioner John J. Specia, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Judge Specia will share his vision for the future of the DFPS. For more information, email events@tnoys.org.
Fall 2015 (Date TBA)
Special Symposium: Integrating Trauma-Informed Care to Avoid Conflict, Restraint, and Seclusion
Houston, Texas
This 2-day opportunity will be designed especially for Houston-area residential child care programs, including residential treatment centers and emergency shelters, but all interested stakeholders are welcome to attend. National and local experts will offer guidance on best practices concepts and tools for organizational culture change to integrate trauma informed care principles, including the Six Core Strategies. You will also have the opportunity to address your program’s unique challenges and draft a targeted action plan for reducing seclusion and restraint practices. Check back on our website at www.tnoys.org for more information. This event is sponsored by the Simmons Foundation.
Fall 2015 (Date TBA)
Understanding Youths’ Rights: How Youth Care Workers and Shelter Administrators Can Support and Empower Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
Austin, Texas
Join us for a one-day training on the rights of unaccompanied homeless youth and the legal and ethical responsibilities of those who serve them. Training will focus on the rules of emancipation, legal rights of unaccompanied homeless youth, responsibilities of shelter staff and administrators, relationship building with law enforcement and the judicial system, and empowering youth voice. CEUs will be provided for attendees. Check back on our website at www.tnoys.org for more information. This event is sponsored by the Texas Bar Foundation.