TNOYS is excited to share new resources with everyone in our network as part of our cutting-edge work for the Youth Count Texas! initiative. In October, we launched a toolkit to communities across Texas to help them prepare for their youth counts. Today, we are sharing it with our whole network — we think that these are valuable resources for anyone working with vulnerable youth, especially youth who are homeless or unstably housed.

The toolkit offers tips and best practices on the following topics:
- Finding, identifying, and understanding youth with unstable housing
- Forming successful and respectful youth-adult partnerships (in any setting!)
- Developing community partnerships to support youth
- Best practices + checklist for planning events that attract youth
- Tips on internet and social media among homeless youth
- Links to national resources – and more!
And, of course, on specifics on how to organize and hold a successful count of youth experiencing homelessness, including a volunteer curriculum, survey tools and marketing plans.
All materials are free to view and download. TNOYS is happy to answer any questions or provide consultation services such as customized training and technical assistance in conjunction with these resources – contact us to discuss options!
We believe that it is imperative to ensure that youth who are homeless are identified, supported, and served. And, most importantly, that their voices are heard!