Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) Awarded $2 Million in Federal Funding to Address and Prevent Youth Homelessness in Texas

TNOYS among just 38 organizations nationwide to receive a YHSI grant to build stronger, more equitable youth homelessness response systems.

Austin – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded $2 million to Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS), a statewide member network that for over 40 years has improved outcomes for young Texans experiencing homelessness, foster care, juvenile justice involvement, and other vulnerable situations. Support from HUD will expand TNOYS’ work to influence efficient, accessible, and equitable homelessness response services that center the needs of youth and young adults.


TNOYS is one of just 38 organizations nationwide to receive HUD’s Youth Homelessness System Improvement (YHSI) grants, a first-of-its-kind funding pool that builds capacity for communities to create a more seamless and coordinated system of care for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. “Homelessness among vulnerable Texas youth and young adults is on the rise, yet many young people slip through gaps in support because systems are not designed to meet their needs,” explained TNOYS Chief Executive Officer Fedora Galasso. “As a statewide, cross-systems network and a leader in youth-adult partnerships, TNOYS is uniquely equipped to shape systems of care that reflect the voices of our communities.”

Over the next two years, TNOYS will leverage its extensive network of partners and members to tackle urgent challenges in youth homelessness response. The project will drive change both at the statewide and local levels, offering intensive services in 15 counties across five of Texas’ Continuums of Care. Key initiatives include building statewide capacity to authentically engage youth and young adults, enhancing data-sharing systems, promoting equity in response systems, advising on youth-focused improvements to Coordinated Entry Systems, and much more.

Additionally, TNOYS will engage youth and young adult partners who have experienced or been at risk of homelessness, ensuring their insights shape the project’s direction and critical activities. “Young people are the experts in their own lives,” emphasized Fedora Galasso. “With support from HUD’s Youth Homelessness System Improvement grant, TNOYS is proud to deepen our partnerships with hundreds of youth, young adults, and service providers to develop sustainable solutions to prevent and address youth homelessness in Texas.”

Support from HUD marks a critical step forward in TNOYS’ mission to create more efficient, accessible, and equitable youth-serving systems. To learn more about the project or how you can get involved, please email Director of Communications Mary Bergeron at mbergeron@tnoys.org.


For over 40 years, Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) has worked tirelessly to build better outcomes for Texas’ most vulnerable yet resilient youth, young adults, and families. TNOYS represents and partners with a diverse network of over 80 Texas organizations across seven system areas: housing and homelessness services, child welfare, justice, survivor services, health and behavioral health, education, and workforce. Together with their partners, TNOYS has shaped numerous policies and initiatives to prevent systems involvement, strengthen and improve systems that serve youth, and ensure that young people are best equipped to make the transition out of systems and into adulthood. 

TNOYS’ work is guided by a deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; youth-adult partnership; and cross-systems collaborations. In every aspect of our work, TNOYS engages a diverse range of youth and youth adults with lived experience in systems. We provide young people with opportunities to amplify their voices, shape systems-change, and grow as leaders.
