Pre-Conference Institutes

Tuesday, August 12th from 9am-4pm 

Register for an Institute! ~ just $85 (lunch included)

Overcoming Stress, Trauma, and Impulsiveness: Mindfulness and Yoga Techniques for Caregivers and Teens14 slots available!

with Shawn Kent, M.A., LPC

Mindfulness and yoga are quickly emerging tools in treatment and prevention for a wide range of difficulties related to stress, trauma, and impulse control.

In this six hour workshop, participants will learn and experience the benefits of mindfulness and yoga for stress reduction, calm self awareness, and self control. We will cover four topics; First, the philosophical basis of Eastern psychology from a western treatment perspective. Second definitions of mindfulness and yoga as they apply to treatment. Third, mindfulness based skills and attitudes that can be applied personally and professionally. Finally, we take a look at the  evidence base for the use of mindfulness and yoga in modern treatment.

Part of the workshop will be educational, and part will be experiential so participants should dress comfortably, and be prepared to move, take notes, and ask a lot of questions!

Shawn Kent M.A. LPC is a licensed practicing counselor, and a certified Yoga instructor. He has spent the last 14 years studying mind body psychology and has developed and run mindfulness based yoga therapy groups for adolescents in Juvenile Detention. Shawn currently directs Community Yoga’s Youth Wellness program which provides mindfulness based wellness groups to under-served youth in Austin Texas.      


Celebrating and Continuing the Culture of Care Journey: Minimizing Restraint & Seclusion, Strengthening Trauma-Informed CareFULL, please email to be added to waitlist

with Beth Caldwell MS and Kevin Huckshorn PhD, MSN, CADC

This full day workshop will provide a review and update of the evidence-based best practice titled “Reducing Conflict, Violence and the Use of Seclusion and Restraint©” (known as, the Six Core Strategies) for residential leaders and their staff, including the importance of operationalizing trauma-informed care, resiliency, recovery, family-driven, youth-guided and cultural and linguistic competence values into practice. The program will also provide information on national best practices that result in sustained positive outcomes for youth and families served. Attendees will have opportunities to share challenges faced and have support in problem-solving strategies to address challenges. Texas programs that have realized impressive positive outcomes will share their journeys and successful strategies, and family members and youth will share what types of care, supports and practices they find engaging and effective.

Training Modalities: Lecture and Discussion with Q and A; individual/small group exercises; panels of providers and youth/family members.

Beth Caldwell, MS is dedicated and committed to supporting individuals and organizations so that each individual, child and family served can realize his/her full potential. Well versed in the literature on effectiveness in the fields of mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, juvenile justice and education, and utilizing state-of-the-art training and consultation practices, Ms. Caldwell has been called upon frequently to provide program support and to develop written documents for the field. She is the director of the national Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), an initiative dedicated to moving children’s residential programs, and their community counterparts, to the best practice arena. She also serves as a faculty member for the National Center for Trauma Informed Care, and has worked with programs in all 50 States and several countries since 2001 on BBI best practices, trauma informed care, resiliency and recovery, consumer-driven care and preventing the need for coercive interventions, including restraint and seclusion.

Kevin Huckshorn, PhD, MSN, CADC is a national expert in trauma-informed care and the elimination of restraint and seclusion practices.  She created and authored the Six Core Strategies To Prevent Conflict and Violence: Reducing the Use of Seclusion and Restraintan evidence-based practice that guides organizations through a process of culture change.  She has been consulting with TNOYS since 2011 on the Creating a Culture of Care initiative with residential treatment centers.