TNOYS regularly offers online webinar trainings and recordings of select webinars are available online, below.
Webinar Recording: Integrating Data Collection and Program Evaluation in Service Planning
As a special offering through the Safety Nets for Students and Families project, Dr. Sarah Narendorf and YALC member Charles Batiste presented this August 2019 webinar to provide guidance on using data collection, research and program evaluation within your organization. Click here to fill out a registration form to gain access of the webinar recording.
In this August 2019 webinar, Jacqueline Miller, founder of Healthy Actions Intervening Responsibly, and Lyric Wardlow, TNOYS Youth Specialist, raised awareness of ongoing trauma and social isolation of black girls who are experiencing multiple risk factors that intersect with homelessness and post-disasters such as Hurricane Harvey. Participants explored how to find tools and resources to build resilience from a cultural perspective. This webinar was offered as part of TNOYS’ Safety Nets for Students and Families project. Click here to fill out the registration form to gain access of the webinar recording.
Webinar Recording: 86th Texas Legislative Session Recap
TNOYS’ Director of Public Policy Lauren Rose shared a recap of policy changes from Texas’ 86th Legislative Session that impact youth and the providers serving them. Lauren also shares how TNOYS utilized youth voice to strengthen our legislative agenda and featured some of the youths greatest wins, including new state funding to support youth experiencing homelessness. Click here to fill out the registration form to gain access of the recording.
Webinar: Building Community Collaborations to Support Youth

This webinar features presenters from LifeWorks and Austin ECHO on building community collaborations to address youth and family homelessness and focuses on building collaborations with school districts, service providers, juvenile justice and child welfare agencies, and other partners and stakeholders and will feature examples from the Austin Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project as well as the LifeWorks Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR) program. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar Recording: Understanding Legal Rights of Youth
Join Gabriella McDonald, Texas Appleseed‘s Pro Bono and New Projects Director, for an explanation of the legal rights of youth and common legal concerns they may have. This includes issues related to homelessness, foster care, juvenile justice involvement, and school settings. You will also learn when and why lawyers can be helpful to youth. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar Recording: Working with Schools to Support Homeless Students
Schools are required by federal McKinney-Vento legislation to provide services and supports for students who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. This webinar, presented by the Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) and recorded in November 2018, outlines the services and supports that schools are required to provide and offers tools and resources for working with your local school district. The webinar is ideal for those working in STAR programs, emergency shelters, other programs that serve young people who are homeless or at risk, and those who are interested in the Safety Nets for Students and Families project. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: SB 1758 and Opportunities to Serve Transitioning Youth
Youth in foster care need a great deal of guidance and support to make a successful transition to adulthood. The Texas Legislature recognized this in 2017 with SB 1758, which aims to support successful transitions to adulthood through efforts such as ensuring access to proper legal documents, granting earlier access to life skills training, and surveying providers for their insights on other strategies. In this webinar from Aug. 10, 2018, TNOYS’ Director of Child Welfare Policy Dr. Katherine Byers shared information about the current landscape of transition services, recent policy changes that impact it, initial results of the provider survey about improvements that can be made, and opportunities for providers to get involved. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: Understanding the Family First Prevention Services Act
TNOYS’ Director of Child Welfare Policy, Dr. Katherine Barillas, hosted this webinar in March 2018 to explore the federal Family First Prevention Services Act, one of the biggest policy changes to the child welfare system. The webinar provides information about the impact that new opportunities and requirements of the law will have on providers and the families they serve. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: Accreditation for Residential Services Providers
In this webinar from August 2018, hear the experiences and advice of a panel of expert consultants and providers of various sizes and types who have been through the accreditation process. It is part of a series of webinars to help providers understand new federal Family First legislation criteria they will need to meet to continue receiving IV-E funding (funding states use to pay for foster care). Speakers include Ananda Moss-Byas and Jill Nilson from Exact Change Strategies; Vanessa Davila from Helping Hand Home for Children; Anna Bell from Harris County Protective Services; and Melissa Opheim from ACH Child and Family Services.This webinar recording is offered free of charge and CEUs are available free to TNOYS members and $10 for non-members. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: Opportunities to Serve Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care
The new federal Family First Prevention Services Act will require residential providers to meet certain criteria in order to continue receiving IV-E funding (funding states use to pay for foster care). One of the criteria for continuing to receive funding is for a provider to offer facilities for pregnant and parenting youth in foster care. In this webinar recorded on July 9, 2018, hear from Kate Murphy, J.D. from Texans Care for Children, who will provide participants with insight into new research about how many pregnant and parenting youth are in the foster care system, the risk factors and lack of services for this population, and opportunities for providers to make sure they are able to build strong and secure families. This webinar recording is offered free of charge and CEU certificates are available free to TNOYS members and $10 for non-members. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: Ethical Decision Making in Youth Services
Ethical dilemmas and boundary challenges can arise for youth services providers around a client’s right to self-determination, considerations of confidentiality, when managing agency or contract requirements, and in many other situations. In this online training workshop, Jack Nowicki, LCSW and Lara O’Toole, LMSW explore the factors that impact ethical decisions, reviews current frameworks and decision-making strategies for making ethical decisions, and consider how colleagues, supervisors, and other resources can offer support. The webinar meets ethics training requirements. A recording of the webinar is available free of charge and CEU certificates are available free for members and $15 for non-members. Click here to fill out a registration form and gain access to the recording.
Webinar: Understanding Normalcy and Why It Matters