Keynote Presentation, Tara Brown, The Connection Coach
New Federal and State Legislative Updates for Serving Homeless Students, Jeanne Stamp, Texas Homeless Education Office
Three’s a Crowd, Donna Montes and Vanessa Lee, Communities in Schools
Life Without a Safety Net: Youth Aging Out of Foster Care, Madeline Reedy and Shahnaaz Evans, CitySquare
Creating Culture, A Violence Prevention Strategy, Jessica Moreno, Texas Council on Family Violence
Building a Trauma Informed Mindset, Angelica Cervantes, Seton Home
Leading the Change from Control to Collaboration, Frank Delano, LMSW and Jill Shah, LPC
Providing Services to LGBTQ Youth, Michael Migura, Cenpatico
Supervision with the Millennials: Bridging Generation Gaps, Frank Delano, LMSW and Jill Shah, LPC
Schools and Service Providers Working Together: Best Practices for Successful Youth Outcomes, Jeanne Stamp, Texas Homeless Education Office
DFPS Executive Updates, Kristene Blackstone and Sasha Rasco, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services