
Who Cares for the Caregiver?

TNOYS is coordinating the Harris County Transition-Age Youth and Families initiative focused on youth and caregiver engagement to improve mental health services and supports for a young person’s successful transition to adulthood. We recently partnered with NAMI Greater Houston on a parents and caregivers-only workshop series and are excited to spotlight the experiences of one… Read more »

Engaging & Empowering Youth: My Success Story

Please help us in welcoming guest blogger, Aldo Charles, Youth Training Specialist at Disability Rights Texas. During the six-month planning phase the Hogg Foundation gave the eight-grantee organizations of the Harris County Transition Age Youth and Families Initiative, Disability Rights Texas formed a partnership with HCC’s VAST Academy. The VAST Academy is a program HCC offers specifically… Read more »

Finding Help at NAMI: Not What I Bargained For

TNOYS is coordinating the Harris County Transition-Age Youth and Families initiative focused on youth and caregiver engagement to improve mental health services and supports for a young person’s successful transition to adulthood. We recently partnered with NAMI Greater Houston on a parents and caregivers-only workshop series and are excited to spotlight the experiences of one… Read more »

Thank you to all who joined us for the Cross-Discipline Trauma Conference!

Thank you to all who joined us for the Cross-Discipline Trauma Conference of Central Texas.  TNOYS was pleased to partner with Austin Child Guidance Center to host this great event.  One participant, Krystle Ramsay, from the residential treatment center at Hill County Youth Ranch, a participating site in the TNOYS’ Creating a Culture of Care… Read more »

TNOYS Honors the Memory of Vicki Barron

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Vicki Barron, the Executive Director of K’STAR, in Kerrville, Texas, passed away on April 4, 2015. Vicki was the Executive Director of K’STAR for more than 24 years and she was a long-time member of TNOYS. Vicki helped to improve the lives of thousands of… Read more »

Transition-Age Youth Fun Day with CIS Houston

One of our Harris County Transition-Age Youth and Families (TAYF) partners, Communities in Schools of Houston, recently had a “TAY Fun Day.” The goal of the event was to bring together TAY (transition-age youth, ages 14-24 years old) from their different sites and have a day of fun and celebration – all planned with the… Read more »

A NAMI Intervention: The Decision to Get Help

TNOYS is coordinating the Harris County Transition-Age Youth and Families initiative focused on youth and caregiver engagement to improve mental health services and supports for a young person’s successful transition to adulthood. We recently partnered with NAMI Greater Houston on a parents and caregivers-only workshop series and are excited to spotlight the experiences of one… Read more »

Thank you for another great Youth in Action Capitol Day!

A BIG thank you to all of the youth groups that joined us for our 2015 Youth in Action Capitol Day!  We had over 250 youth visit the Capitol to speak out on issues that are important to them. After a great keynote presentation by youth presenter, Gavin DeGrate, youth presented on their issues of… Read more »

Sunset Legislation Update

Senate Bills 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 211, 212, and 219 have been filed to complete the proposed consolidation of the five health and human services agencies and various councils. For a complete listing of senate and house sunset legislation, go to this link: Update—As of March 18, 2015 – Senator Nelson… Read more »

What You Need to Know About Sunset Legislation

The Sunset legislation is the result of five separate reports, each for one of the five health and human service agencies, published by the Sunset Advisory Commission (SAC) from August to December 2014. The purpose of the SAC’s staff review was to determine if the five health and human services agencies’ mission are still needed… Read more »