
A Status Update on Efforts to Reduce Seclusion & Restraint in Texas

  By Lara O’Toole   For many years, it was considered the norm to physically restrain or seclude individuals who presented challenging behaviors while in mental health facilities, prisons, nursing homes and even schools. While this practice still occurs all too often, over the past decade the use of seclusion and restraint interventions has come… Read more »

Member Spotlight: The HAY Center

The Houston Alumni & Youth (HAY) Center, a program of Harris County Protective Services (HCPS) that provides services to foster youth transitioning to adulthood, is unique among TNOYS members. That’s because it is a public-private partnership that relies on both county and private funding. According to Joel Levine, executive director of HCPS, that is key… Read more »

Why Finding Shelter for Homeless Youth Can Be More Complicated Than You Might Think

Here at TNOYS, we’re excited to see momentum growing around the effort to better understand and address homelessness among young people. For many people, the laws that apply to unaccompanied, homeless or runaway youth can seem vague and complicated, making it sometimes difficult to find solutions to help them access basic services. Last month, TNOYS’… Read more »

Youth Voices, New Report Help Promote Understanding of Youth Homelessness

Yesterday, TNOYS released a process evaluation report sharing findings and recommendations from our work on Youth Count Texas!, the first-ever statewide count of youth experiencing homelessness in our state. One of the key findings of the report is that young people facing housing instability have different needs and behaviors than their adult counterparts, requiring unique… Read more »

That’s a Wrap! Recap: Day 3 of “Stronger Together” Conference

  What better way to bring people together than with the power of music? That’s how we ended this year’s conference, reinforcing our “Stronger Together” theme and sending everyone home energized and excited.   Patrick “Pac Man” Perez injected a dose of energy into the closing keynote session by leading the crowd through different generations’ signature… Read more »