TNOYS was excited to produce and premier a video of youth partners discussing their experiences with lawyers and judges as part of their time in foster care or juvenile detention on June 13 at the Texas Bar Association event “Special Education, Child Welfare and The Juvenile Justice System.” The event was held at the Radisson Town Lake in Austin. The video was shown as part of a panel discussion which included TNOYS youth advocate, LaQuinton Wagner.
A resource for foster youth in Texas who have questions about the legal system is available through the Texas Foster Youth Justice Project at http://www.texasfosteryouth.org/attorney_ad_litems_info.html.
Youth in foster care are sometimes housed hundreds of miles from their home community and may have limited access to different forms of communication. Most have a limited or incomplete understanding of their legal rights. We hear many stories of youth not knowing their lawyers or judges, not being notified of or invited to vital legal proceedings that will determine where they live, and more. It is exciting to hear that the Texas Bar is increasing legal education in this area.

We would like to thank the Hogg Foundation, for linking us to this important opportunity, and the Mitte Foundation, for providing the resources to work with these youth and create this video.
I guess finding useful, reliable inmatforion on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.