We work every day to ensure that youth and families have what they need to thrive. Your membership support is key to our success. As a member, you strengthen our voice at the Capitol and across the state.
As a member, here are some of the benefits you will receive:
- Advocacy for our members – TNOYS expends private, unobligated funds to ensure legislators and policymakers hear YOUR VOICE and the voices of the youth and families you serve. We work with lobbyists and provide expert testimony on behalf of our members concerning services needed by at-risk youth and their families. We will also represent you on important committees, such as the Public Private Partnership for Foster Care Redesign.
- Mobilization of our members – We engage members in advocacy through advocacy training, campaigns, and events/lobbying days. Our united voice is among the most important purposes of a membership association.
- Collaboration with other advocacy organizations, such as our collaborative effort to survey PEI contractors, strengthens our voice in Austin and even at the federal level, for improved youth services.
- Fee Reductions – Member agencies receive substantial discounts on training, technical assistance, and conference registration fees.
- Funding Announcements, including announcements for state, federal, and private funding opportunities.
- Issue-specific task forces and committees, such as our Emergency Shelter Task Force.
- Special meetings and events, including regional meetings to help providers prepare for Foster Care Redesign and a happy hour at the annual Partners in Prevention conference hosted by DFPS.
- Training and Consulting Services – Members get priority and discounts for our training and consulting services.
- Expert Support Services – Member agencies are eligible for limited free technical assistance by phone.
- The Latest Information – Members receive a variety of informational resources, including newsletters, funding announcements, training announcements, and access to a lending library.
- Staff Recruitment – We advertise job announcements at member agencies on our website at no charge.
Join us today and take advantage of all of these great benefits. Please consider joining us as an individual or organization member. For more information, please contact Sondra Lehmann at slehmann@tnoys.org or at 512-815-3022. We look forward to our continued partnership with you!