Dan Peevy, 79, of Eagle Lake,a past Board member of TNOYS from 2000 through 2007, and Board Chair 2005-06, passed away in Columbus, Texas on January 30th. Daniel Alfred Peevy was born February 5, 1934 in Houston. He and his wife, Shirley, met and graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School in Houston in 1952. Shirley passed away in 2013.
Dan graduated from Rice Institute (now Rice University) in 1956, spent time as a wildcatter, and went to work for Colorado County Youth & Family Services as a second career in 1996. He enjoyed working with adults with substance abuse issues and as a STAR counselor with youth and families. In 1999 he replaced Alice Strunk as Executive Director and almost immediately expressed an interest in advocating for community-based youth and family services by joining the TNOYS Board of Directors.
Dan served on the Board for 8 years, ending as Board Chair in 2006. Many of the Board members of the time fondly remember the Board Retreat Dan hosted at his golf club outside of Columbus ,Texas and the many trips he took to Austin to testify and advocate for our youth services at the legislature.
Dan is survived by his daughter, Sharon and family, and sons David and Robert and their families, including five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A memorial service was held on Tuesday, February 4 at Eagle Lake Funeral Home.
Thanks Jack for your well chosen words.
No one could not like Dan. There was nothing to dislike and a whole lot to like, appreciate and learn from the gentleman.
This is the first I had heard of his death. I will miss him.
Met. Dan and his wonderful wife Shirley in 1978. Found.them to be some of most caring and loving people ever.,May his children and grandchildren always know how much they were loved.