88th Texas Legislative Session

88th Legislative Session: TNOYS Legislative Agenda
TNOYS collaborated with young people and youth-serving providers to build a comprehensive, cross-systems policy agenda in 2022. Our priorities recommended funding, policies, and programs to strengthen and support our seven system areas.
88th Texas Legislative Session Recap Report
In collaboration with member organizations and youth partners, TNOYS secured important wins such as increased funding for prevention and early intervention services, supports and resources for young people as they transition out of systems and into adulthood, and much more. In the recap report, we provide a summary of TNOYS’ efforts and new legislation that will impact Texas youth, families, and youth-serving providers.

Senate Committee on Finance | 88th Texas Legislative Session
TNOYS Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) member Marlayna Gallegos testifies about the importance of mental health supports and resources in schools.
Senate Committee on Finance | 88th Texas Legislative Session
TNOYS Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) member Ronald Smith testifies how Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) programming equipped him with critical tools and resources for the transition out of systems and into adulthood.
Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee | 88th Texas Legislative Session
TNOYS Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) member Chaz Davis testifies in support of legislation to decriminalize the act of running away.
Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee | 88th Texas Legislative Session
TNOYS Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) member Jur’nee Cockrell testifies in support of legislation to raise the lower age of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction.
House Urban Affairs Committee | 88th Texas Legislative Session
TNOYS Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) member Chaz Davis testifies in support of legislation to expand housing options and wraparound services in communities for systems-impacted youth and young adults across the state.
87th Texas Legislative Session

87th Legislative Session: TNOYS Legislative Agenda
TNOYS collaborated with young people and youth-serving providers to build a comprehensive, cross-systems policy agenda in 2020. Our 14 priorities recommended funding, policies, and programs to strengthen and support our seven system areas.
87th Texas Legislative Session Recap Report
In collaboration with member organizations and youth partners, TNOYS secured important wins for prevention and early intervention services, supports for youth transition to adulthood and those experiencing homelessness, and much more. In the recap report, we provide a summary of TNOYS’ efforts and new legislation that will impact Texas youth, families, and youth-serving providers.

Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II (recommending an increase in funding in the DFPS budget for Prevention and Early Intervention services), March 2, 2021:
Testimony to House Human Services Committee in support of HB 700, March 23, 2021:

Increase State Investment to End Youth and Young Adult Homelessness
Ensure Youth in Foster Care Are Safe, Healing, and Have Support As They Transition to Adulthood
Reform Juvenile Justice to Promote Youth Rehabilitation and Success
Systems- Impacted Youth Want Mental Health Supports at School
Eliminate Pathways Into the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems for Youth
Invest in Youth and Families to Prevent Costly Systems Involvement and Keep Families Together Safely
Provide Supports for College Success to Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness
86th Texas Legislative Session

86th Legislative Session: TNOYS Legislative Agenda
The agenda we designed outlines our goals for the 86th Texas Legislature, which are informed directly by our experience with young people and those who serve them.
86th Texas Legislative Session Recap Report
The 86th Texas Legislative Session resulted in several bills and budget decisions that TNOYS believes will truly make a difference in the lives of youth across systems. In this recap report, we provide a summary to give youth and those who work with them an overview of the key policy changes from the session that will impact them and their work.
Webinar: 86th Texas Legislative Session Recap
In this July 2019 webinar, TNOYS’ Director of Public Policy Lauren Rose shared a recap of policy changes from Texas’ 86th Legislative Session that impact youth and the providers who serve them. Lauren also explained how TNOYS utilized youth voice to advance our legislative agenda and highlighted some of the biggest wins for youth, including new state funding to support youth experiencing homelessness.
Webinar Recording: Youth Services Issues in the 2019 Texas Legislative Session
In this webinar from December 2018, TNOYS’ Director of Child Welfare Policy Dr. Katherine Byers provided a preview of policymaking activity to expect around youth services issues during the 86th Texas Legislative Session. Katherine also shares TNOYS’ legislative agenda to give a better idea of the issues our organization and our members will be advocating for.

Strengthening Texas’ Commitment to Youth Who Are Homeless
Understanding and Supporting the Unique Needs of Texas’ Homeless Youth
Preparing Youth Exiting Foster Care for Adulthood
Invest in Prevention to Support Youth and Families and Save Taxpayer Money
Strengthening Accountability for Foster Care
Ensure Foster Youth Have A Safe Place to Stay
Expand Evidence-Based Programming and Practices
Ensure Cross-System Youth Have Opportunities for Success
Out-of-School Suspensions Harm Students Experiencing Homelessness

Senate Committee on Finance Hearing on Article 7 (regarding funding to support youth experiencing homelessness), January 31, 2019:
- Testimony of Christine Gendron, TNOYS; Leslie Bourne, Covenant House; Danielle Owens, LifeWorks; Franklin Fisher and Justin Hayward, youth with lived experience (Video clip – relevant testimony begins at 4:20:26)
House Appropriations Committee Hearing on Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs Budget (regarding funding to support youth experiencing homelessness), February 11, 2019:
House Human Services Committee Hearing on HB 45, February 19, 2019:
85th Texas Legislative Session

85th Legislative Session: TNOYS Legislative Agenda
Agenda outlines TNOYS goals for the 84th Texas Legislative Session and its 7 key focus areas for the upcoming legislative session.
85th Texas Legislative Session Recap
The 85th Texas Legislative Session was an important one for our state’s child welfare system. TNOYS drafted this report to explain the policy changes that were made this session and how they will impact the work of Texas’ youth and the professionals who serve them.

Understanding and Supporting the Unique Needs of Texas’ Homeless Youth
Through a contract with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), TNOYS developed and conducted the survey Youth Count Texas!, the first ever statewide count of youth experiencing homelessness in Texas. This fact sheet outlines how Texas can continue to take a leadership role this legislative session in the effort to end youth homelessness.
TNOYS and Texas Appleseed worked together to produce this fact sheet, based on learnings from our joint project to identify systemic drivers of and solutions to youth homelessness.
Foster Care Funding and Redesign: Supporting the Best Possible Care for Texas’ Children and Youth
A fact sheet that outlines the three steps TNOYS recommends the Legislature takes to strengthen our state’s child welfare system.
Enhancing Prevention and Early Intervention Services for Youth and Families
The Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) division at the Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS) provides services and interventions that are proven to prevent children and youth from ending up in the more expensive foster care and juvenile justice systems. This fact sheets provides recommendations for bolstering PEI efforts this legislative session, including strengthening the successful Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR) program.
84th Texas Legislative Session

84th Legislative Session: TNOYS Legislative Agenda
Agenda outlines TNOYS goals for the 84th Texas Legislative Session and its 7 key focus areas for the session.
84th Texas Legislative Session Recap: Big Wins for Texas Youth
Our Legislative Session Recap report outlines all you need to know about the results of the 84th Texas Legislative Session and its impact on youth services and programs.

The most cost effective way to serve young people and their families is to prevent problems before they start and escalate to a crisis. The PEI division at the DFPS contracts with organizations across the state to provide services and interventions that are proven to prevent youth from ending up in the more expensive foster care and juvenile justice systems.
Fact Sheet on Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR)
STAR is a prevention and early intervention program designed to support young people and their families who are in crisis before situations escalate to the point that more expensive and intrusive services are needed. STAR services are available 24 hours a day in all 254 counties in Texas, to youth under the age of 18 and their families. Services include family conflict resolution, short-term counseling, parenting classes, and emergency shelter for youth who need respite care.
Fact Sheet on Foster Care Redesign
The Foster Care Redesign model designed and implemented in Region 3B by ACH Child & Family Services is called “Our Community, Our Kids (OCOK).” The model promises better outcomes for children and youth in foster care, but if it is not adequately funded, it will fail.
Fact Sheet on SB1494 by Senator Uresti to promote high school completion among youth are homeless.
Homeless students face extreme challenges in completing their education. This bill is designed to combat the challenges of homelessness and promote completion among youth who are homeless.
83rd Texas Legislative Session

2013 TNOYS Legislative Agenda
The 2013 TNOYS Legislative Agenda outlines the principles that guided our advocacy work during the 83rd Texas Legislative Session. These principles include preventing problems before they start, addressing adolescent behaviors appropriately, promoting safe and nurturing living arrangements for youth who cannot remain at home with their parents, supporting youth during their transition to adulthood, and working in partnership with youth.

HB 2400 will equip juvenile courts with the tools to address adolescent behaviors appropriately.
Services To At Risk Youth (“STAR”) Briefing Paper
This briefing paper, authored by Jack Nowicki, addresses the history, design, and importance of the STAR program.
Services to At-Risk Youth (“STAR”) Talking Points
The STAR program fact sheet outlines talking points addressing the STAR program. It is designed to support you in your meetings with policymakers.

TNOYS Testimony to the House Human Services for HB 2240
HB 2400 would lay groundwork to address the issue of youth homelessness by establishing a definition of the problem.
TNOYS Testimony to the Senate Higher Education Committee on SB 1210
TNOYS implored the Senate Higher Education Committee to exclude youth in foster care from this legislation, which would limit their tuition and fee waiver benefit at public institutions of higher education.
TNOYS Testimony to the House Corrections Committee for HB 1543
HB 1543 would establish an ombudsman to protect the rights of youth incarcerated within county juvenile justice facilities.
TNOYS Testimony to the Senate Jurisprudence Committee for SB 717
SB 717 will make it easier for unaccompanied homeless youth to access transitional living services.
TNOYS Testimony to the House Human Services Committee for HB 445
HB 445 will promote savings opportunities and important life skills for youth who are in foster care.